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Actors and Theatre Techs are the foundation of the Genesius Guild. We invite people of all ages and experience (including little or no experience) to become involved as actors or to help behind the scenes.

We provide opportunities for young actors, light designers, set designers, costumers, props handlers, and stage managers to be mentored by our seasoned personnel.

There are many ways you help the Guild as a Volunteer:

Stage & Production

  • Costume assistant - help with one play or the whole season

  • Set construction & design 

  • Set painting

  • Carpentry

  • Help set-up and put away risers, chairs etc.


  • About 4 hours (and a few miles on your car) to hang posters before each production

  • Write press releases

  • Assist with the Website and Social Media outlets

Property Management

  • Organizing costumes and props

  • Handy-person (general  fixing things)

  • Electrician

  • Sound Board design and management

Outreach Programs 

  • Help teach Junior Theatre programs

  • Give talks to area organizations and schools about theatre topics and/or the Guild

To get involved, contact a board member, send a message to the First United Methodist Church office with the note "Genesius Guild," or speak to one of our staff at a performance.

For information on auditioning for specific productions, please follow the drop down audition link, check our Facebok page for event information, or visit for current audition postings. 

Rehearsals on weeknights (Monday through Thursday) normally begin at 7 pm and end around 9:30 pm. Rehearsals early in the schedule end sooner; later rehearsals may run a bit longer. Weekend rehearsals may be scheduled at the discretion of the director as needed, pending cast and facility availability.

Volunteers are given a complete rehearsal schedule - covering all productions - at tryouts. It is assumed that you will make all rehearsals for the play(s) in which you are cast, with the exception of any conflicts noted at the auditions.

Rehearsals listed for an individual play may be altered by the director. Some sessions are devoted to one or two scenes only. If you are not involved, you are not expected to attend. The director may also call for an earlier start for a particular rehearsal session; you will be advised on any changes in time or location well in advance.


One of the things that makes Guild seasons successful is our actors’ strong sense of dedication and self-discipline. Since rehearsal time is limited, it cannot be wasted - it is expected that when you are not on stage, you are working on lines, running through scenes, trying out costumes and props, and working to get yourself well-settled into your part. It is also important to help others when possible by prompting scenes and being willing to run lines with them.

This all may sound highly regimented, but the opposite is true. The Guild affords actors a great deal of freedom in preparing their roles and the atmosphere is a pleasant one: a group of individuals committed to doing justice to themselves, their colleagues, and the great works of the theatre. The cast and crew nearly always form a unique type of camaraderie; we become a theatre family....


Once a member of the family, ALWAYS a member of the family!

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